Friday, November 28, 2008

7 Things about me

I was "tagged" in a friend's blog to post 7 things you may not know about me. This could be interesting because people who have known me a while probably see me much differently than the people who have only known me a short while. Anyway, I'll try and make this interesting...

1. I have a job nobody else wants...and I absolutely love it! I teach kids in Alternative School, which means they have been kicked out of their old schools for one reason or another. A lot of people run away screaming at the thought of spending their day with "those" kids, but I love them. Every day is interesting, and life is never dull! Besides, they really are not bad kids once you break through their tough exterior. They are children who have lived incredibly hard lives and just need someone to care. Happily, I fill that role.

2. My husband and I only dated 1 and a half months before getting engaged! We had known each other for 3 years, and had been pretty much inseperable friends for 6 months prior to dating. Our first date was on Nov. 14, 2001, and Joey proposed on Jan. 4, 2002. We got married on June 1, 2002, and the rest is history! My friends at the time thought I was crazy, but when it's right you just know it.

3. I am extremely territorial, and can tell if something has been moved, even slightly, in my home or classroom. It is almost like I mentally take inventory of everything without even realizing it. Some might call this OCD. I prefer to think of it as being overly aware of my surroundings. ;-)

4. I have a photographic memory, and believe I have passed this trait on to my son as well. Ever since he was about 2, when he gets new movies he studies them very carefully. Later, he can call each one by name even though he has dozens and dozens, and many of them are plain grey with silver writing. This trait of mine also contributes to number 3--I have a mental picture of how things should look and immediately notice if something is out of place.

5. Even though I was a big tomboy growing up, I competed in Miss Georgia between my freshman and sophomore years of college. I still find myself jumping between girly-girl and backwoods country girl. Most of the time I fall somewhere comfortably in the middle.

6. I love reading, but hate to re-read books. Once I have finished them, I just don't get any pleasure from reading them again. I thought this would be a problem for me, since I am an English teacher and inevitably read the same books over and over, sometimes multiple times in the same year. Surprisingly, it doesn't bother me if I approach it with my students in mind, and attempt to find something new to point out to them. We'll see if this perspective continues after a few more years of teaching!

7. I have come to the realization that I am becoming more and more like my mother everyday. Both in the wonderful ways, and in the ways I had hoped to avoid. I have come to terms with it, and begun to embrace it because when you get right down to it, she is one of the most amazing human beings on the planet. I could do a lot worse than be a tiny fraction of that!

Ok, now it's time to torture 7 other people!!

1. Heidi H.
2. Stacee A.
3. Kristie W.
4. Amy H.
5. Blair R.
6. Kit K.
7. Erin D. (You need to start a blog so we can keep up with the baby when he gets here!)

1 comment:

Daniel & Heidi Hicks said... i see you tagged me ;-) hmmm...we will see. maybe i will have time to respond next week.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!